About Us


What We Can Offer

Coastal Modeling & Studies

  • Navigation Model Studies

  • Mooring Model Studies

  • MetOcean Data and Analysis

  • Hydrodynamic and Waves Models

  • Oil Spill and Other Environmental Models

  • Dredging-Sediment Plumes Models

  • Shoreline Stability

Planning Works

  • Marina and Commercial Harbors Planning

  • Waterfront Master Planning

  • Shipyard Planning and design

Design Works

  • Design of Shore Protection systems

  • Design of Quaywalls, Jetties/Trestles

  • Design of Navigation Aids

  • Design of Dredging Works

  • Design of Breakwaters and Revetments Works

  • Design of Piers and Wharves Systems

  • Design of Cathodic Protection Systems

Project Management & Project Consultations

  • Project Management

  • Value Engineering

  • Project Time Planning

  • Full Tender Documents

  • Construction Supervision

  • Site Hydrographic and Geophysical Survey 

TRUST engineers established in 2002 as individual ownership in Egypt, and later has some professional associates. 

Contact Info

Engineering Consultations Center TRUST Post Code: 42111 Teiba Building

Egypt, Portsaid


+2 0663238569
+2 0663238566

What We Can Offer ?



ECC Trust has progressively evolved as a recognized office, providing services in planning, engineering, construction management and supervision. 

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